Friday, October 19, 2012

SEO Rules Update: On-Page Seo and Off-page Seo

Off-Page Seo: Tips and Tricks

Today I'd like to give you some help in the area of off-page SEO and on-page seo.  With the latest Google update (algorithm update), a blogger has to be smart.

You may be wondering about link building, with regard to your wordpress blog. So maybe you're wondering what percent of links should be aimed at the Home page, and what percent should  be aimed at the inner posts and pages.

Right now, you should make less than half of the links you build (from Web 2.0 sites, social sites, article directories, wiki's and forums) go to the home page.  All other links can go to inner pages.

On-Page SEO: Pretty Link is an Option in Link Building

A plugin that can make things a bit easier when you are working up a post, and you want to be certain your outbound affiliate links are "no-follow" is Pretty Link. There is a FREE version you can use, and an upgraded version with additional features.

For simplicity, let's start with the free version. This plugin is helpful because it makes your long affiliate links look better.

It keeps track of your links, too.  Internally (in your Dashboard), you give each link a Title and a  Description (so you know WHAT it is) - no one else sees this but you.  So you can take a LONG affiliate link, and beautify it (you know how long and ugly those Amazon links are ..Ugh!

Once you have this all set up, you can track your link across different pages, in order to see which page is performing the best - in terms of click throughs by visitors.

Pretty Link Options and Link Options: Inside Your Wordpress Dashboard

Pretty Link "Options" and Link Options: Inside Your Wordpress Dashboard

Okay, now to the settings - once you're in your dashboard, you will go to "Plugins", click on plugins and find "Pretty Links";  select "Options" and then "Link Options" in order to set all links to "No-follow".

You'll see PRETTY LINK beneath Tools and Settings, on the left-hand side of your dashboard.
Click on "Pretty Link" and then hit "Add a Link".  Now at the top, you see where you can set a Permanent redirect or a Temporary redirect.  I generally choose permanent (301).

Next you must enter a target url. This is pretty self-explanatory. Once you have done that, you just create your pretty link and title it.

Example of Pretty Link

In my case, I have some other sites - so I entered "Life Skills Training" in the blank box.. So my pretty link looks like this:

If you want to make your Pretty Link a "no-follow" link (wise to do for sales page links or affiliate links & CPA), you mouse over "Pretty Link" plugin (Left side of your dashboard), and find"Options" (and CLICK it) and then click "Link options". 

This allows you to set the settings to "Add no-follow to link(s)".

To be clear, you do not head to plugins; instead find Pretty Link on the left side of dashboard. Then adjust your settings, and you're good to go.  I hope you've enjoyed this little tutorial - Jan Ashby

Should you be interested, you can find PrettyLink at

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