Sunday, October 14, 2012

Books that Will Change your Life: Bill Johnson's Bestsellers

Books that Will Change your Life: Awaken to This Series

Today I'd like to continue in my series Books that Will Change your life..

It is Sunday, and somehow it seems appropriate to broach topics of a spiritual nature. The first book I'll mention is for those of you who are feeling confused about the Bible. If you're wondering "what is God's plan", you may be interested in this text; there is an  author (Bill Johnson) who feels he is talking directly to God. 

This book, published in 2007, is Face to Face with God and explains for example:

  • what to do about "invading thoughts" during prayer time
  • what happens when God speaks to you (as a result of obedience)
  • what it means to enter the favor of his face
  • how to "set up an ambush” to apprehend God 
As a pastor in Redding, California, Bill exudes passion and is pursued frequently for speaking engagements. Known to be an incredible teacher, he has an infectiousness about him which has filtered down to his congregation. He has written other popular books, such as "Strengthen Yourself in the Lord" and The Essential Guide to Healing.

The only one I've read so far is Strengthen Yourself in the Lord: How to Release the Hidden Power of God in Your Life.  I just really liked some of the things Bill said in this book.  I will share several of my favorites - Bill shares the following -

- It is impossible for anyone to reach his ultimate destiny in life without learning to minister to himself (p. 27).
- My job is to trust my heavenly Father with the problems and situations I don't understand, and focus on stewarding my will to what I know to be true. My success in watching over my heart determinies the measure of Kingdom breakthrough I will experience in life (pg. 34).
- The tests that David endured were tests that specifically addressed his ability to keep focus on his identity and purpose. He was tested by coming into circumstances that directly contradicted God's Word over his life (pg. 39).
- God never sets us up to fail - only to grow (pg. 41).

That last one, God never set us up to fail - only grow .. I really like that one, for then the arduous things that we all go through are never a "waste" - rather, they're purposeful.

Bill Johnson's New Paperback: Available at Amazon

If you want to understand how to release the hidden power of God in your life, then I will suggest the book Hosting the Presence: Unveiling Heaven's Agenda to you. Created especially for you to understand that God desires to be in a relationship with you, this book may change you; as one reviewer puts it, "this book has been a special gift from Bill's heart to mine".

Thanks for visiting Breaking News Dispatch.  Blessings upon you.

Related Media - Books that Will Change Your Life: A Video

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