Monday, October 15, 2012

Rank High on Google: How to Rank with Video

There is a very definite approach which will yield results and help you to rank high on google. It is a method done with video marketing - that is, using video on your blog (you also post the video at, with this technique).

I found it very intriguing when I first heard about it.  The person who introduced me to this - John Jarvis, a very trustworthy canadian (I like canadians - can you tell?).

My name is Jan Ashby and I'm an internet marketer. The way that I found John - by using tribepro (social media promotion site).

I began to study his stuff, and look at his rankings in the Google search engine - and saw THAT indeed he was able to "rank high on google".

You can look at my keyword research blog post , or better still watch this video:

This particular topic, "rank high on Google", I actually do rank well in the google search results - currently I am bouncing between #5 and #6 (all search results oscillate some, it's a day by day process).  But what I did for my term, "rank high on Google" was a lot of backlinking with social sites, plus I built a good link wheel, and I also did commenting within the Youtube community - this is when you locate a video in your niche (in this case "seo") and comment.

It's best if you actually listen to the video maker's video first, and then make an intelligent remark.
To learn some proper etiquette on how to do this, visit this Rules & etiquette video. 

My blog:  Lifeskills Training

Related Videos:  Wordpress User Roles: Beginners Wordpress series
                            Rank High on Google, and
                            How to Rank High on Google (my Video)

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