Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wordpress for Beginners: Patient Advisors who Provide SEO Tips and Hints

Wordpress for Beginners: SEO Hints and Tips

Good day to you.  I am Jan Ashby. If you are a beginner to seo and wordpress, I have an excellent suggestion for you..

A place you can go to get help, where the people are actually patient.  I remember when I first started to learn about the Internet, and about all things "seo" - I'll never forget how impatient some teachers were.

The talked too fast, and during the webinars I would attend, it was clear they were needing to get finished with the webinar to go onto something else (presumably more important).

Anyway, I've you've experienced something similar, you'll find it refreshing indeed when Sakura leaders stay late at the webinar's end, to answer your question.

If you are one who needs some hand-holding and seo hints and tips, you really ought to check into the Sakura group. You can  "Join FREE" and go through some of the no-cost training, & then decide.

*Note:  when clicking the hyperlink, you'll be taken to a safe website - and at the Top of page you can find the yellow JOIN Free button.

It's a friendly little group - and one that truly wants to see beginners succeed, and get their first wordpress blog going.  To see an introduction, watch this vid:


Video Training and Video Marketing

Another thing you may be wondering - is the training "up to date", as far as seo techniques go.  The answer is a resounding "yes".

I have learned so much about Youtube that I didn't know before - about the importance of playlists, and how to optimize my Youtube channel.  Yes, part of doing video marketing (promotion) is to create your own channel. 

This is part of the training, and SEO Hints, which you will be privy to when you come join our little group.

I even have a special design on mine. You can get your youtube channel tricked out by somebody at Fiverr, btw.

Rest assured, if you have a question on video optimization (such as what exactly to DO when inside the challenging-looking youtube dashboard), you can speak to me (leave a voicemail), or Michael Camire - or John Jarvis.

These are members of the Sakura group, who'll be very happy to assist you. That is our niche - helping beginners to Wordpress, and video  marketing.

Thanks for visiting.  To learn more about blogging or developing skills (such as keyword research, video SEO, blogging, and building your team) you can go to my Life Skills training blog.

P.S. If you'd like to see one of my videos (Beginner information), go HERE
To see an example of a Youtube playlist, visit this

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