Showing posts with label John Jarvis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Jarvis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Creating a Blog from Scratch: Getting Started with Wordpress

This post is for beginners to WordPress. WordPress is a flexible
platform and one that I am sure you will grow to love.  One thing
that is vitally important with WordPress is security.  Be sure to
read the note on security at the end of this WordPress post.

Making a Blog:  How to Build a Website with John Jarvis
While you may initially feel that creating your own blog is a 
daunting challenge, it truly isn't with the right mentor. 

Mentoring lessons can be found at my life skills blog and also at
John Jarvis' site,

I have had many worthwhile mentoring lessons from John Jarvis. 
Who is John Jarvis - a helpful Canadian who really knows about
keyword research, and how to build a WordPress website

Getting Started with WordPress - Creating your Own Blog

Creating a blog is not as difficult as it may seem; in fact,
once you start to see all the things you can do with Wpress,
you'll started to get excited at the possibilities. You will
naturally want to look into premium Wp themes.

Premium Wp themes such as Genesis theme provide shortcuts; for
example, with Genesis you don't have to go inside WordPress and
edit code within the PHP editor.
Instead, you are provided a plugin which makes the process of
editing easier.
Genesis theme is the theme that John Jarvis likes a lot.  He also
likes Intrepidity theme, and suggests that WordPress beginners 
use this theme first - before moving on to Genesis.

Creating Your own Blog: Blogging Tutorial 

Now I am going to tell you of John Jarvis' excellent tutorial on
how to build a website, step by step 
It Will consist of the following five videos:

1.  Secure a domain name
2.  Get hosting for your site
3.  Upload WordPress to your hosting account
4.  Your own domain name e-mail account
5.  Learning the best WordPress plug-ins for SEO

You can find it hyperlinked at end of the post - it is the one
that says John Jarvis Instruction
Creating your Own Blog:  Free Blog Sites

You may be attracted by free blog sites such as Weebly, Blogger,
and many more - while these are okay to practice on, you should 
start with WordPress as soon as you can. Learn as much as you can.

Set aside a block of time to learn the basics, and then begin to
explore premium Wp themes; one of the reasons the Intrepedity is
good for beginners is its ease of use. 

Once you have gotten used to working with a theme, the next step
will be to learn about WordPress plug-ins and widgets
Mentoring Lessons with John Jarvis and Jan Ashby

Creating a blog site can be fun.  You may ask, "Can I make money 
blogging?"   The answer is yes, but to make things go smoothly 
you really should have a mentor. 

Mentoring lessons with John Jarvis will give you a much higher 
chance of success.  If you're interested you can go to this site:

Or you may go to my life skills training site, which contains both
WordPress tutorial videos and key posts about blogging and making 
income online.
Creating a Blog Site Can be Fun: Getting Started with Wordpress

Certainly, creating a blog site can be tons of fun - yet you 
ought to PLAN out the site.  You can accomplish this with a sheet
of paper.
For a helpful guide, visit  

Free Blog Sites: A Rundown

You can get started for free with (or Blogger) and 
then graduate to securing your own domain name & hosting.  You can
begin to go through a series of lessons at my blog. The series is
free. Just see the “Free Lessons” link @ the end of page  


If you're interested in getting started with wordpress training.. go to the link herein
or visit  Free Lessons at my life skills blog

Free Internet Marketing Training                     Get Started Blogging

  John  Jarvis Instruction

Copyright  2013  Breaking News Dispatch

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Keyword Research Training - Superior Instructional Videos From a Master

Wordpress for Beginners: Introducing Keywords to You

There is an instructor who really teaches this keyword stuff well.  That is, it is good for beginners because he has a calm voice, and does not speak too quickly. His name is John Jarvis, and he is very knowledgeable about keyword research.

Today's brief post discusses how you can learn the basics simply by listening. Yes, you can sit in your chair, kick back & listen (and view) while John presents the material to you via video.

He instructs on how to find a keyword that will make you money. He touches on using the Google Adwords keyword external tool - so you'll get a introduction to that.

He shows you about which choices to select inside the Tool (such as the country - he usually chooses USA rather than Canada - as it has better traffic).  Also, in the video ..the various columns are shown, and he discusses at length which ones to "checkmark", and he also SHOWS you how to copy your chosen keywords to the clipboard .

Additionally, he explains how to look at the competition and analyze it properly.  In the end, you'll gain a good sense of what sort of keywords to go after!

Longtail Keywords: The Importance of These

A longtail keyword is 4 words or more - and yes, John covers this in the second video at THIS page. In case you didn't realize it, it is worthwhile to "drill down" and locate the longtail keyword because when a keyword phrase has many descriptors in it.. well, it generally means that the searcher is getting more determined & 'closer to a purchase'.

As you go along in his free video course (which consists of 5 short videos), he'll show you how it's important to HIDE personal results - i.e., in order to analyze competitors' websites (in say the Top 10 results on Google) you must first HIDE your own personal website results .

The basics of keyword research is explained in more detail here.

You'll have a better understanding and comprehension of the whole topic when you've gone through John Jarvis' excellent video tutorial training.

Thanks for listening and good luck,

Jan  Ashby
Life Skills Training and Curriculum