Sunday, May 12, 2013

Getting Started with Wordpress: Keyword Research and Longtail Keywords

Longtails: Laying a Good Keyword Research Foundation

Hello.  Today I want to make a recommendation to those getting started with Wordpress blogs.  When you do your keyword research - which is the very first thing you should DO - you really ought to consider hunting for true "longtail" keywords.

True longtail keywords are 4 words and more.  Believe it or not, sometimes when I'm performing keyword research I find phrases that are 3 words and have decent enough search - but turn out to be too competitive.

And if they're too competitive for myself - Jan  

...then these '3 word' keyword phrases will likely be too difficult for newcomers to the game (Wordpress that is).

Now, don't get me wrong - you can STILL find some non-competitive 3-word keyword phrases. You just need to be prepared to dig down DEEP and hunt for 4, 5 and 6 word phrases you can use.

Before I forget, I want to recommend this great post that SHOWS you that 4-word keyword phrases are getting the bulk of the traffic.

What's neat is it contains CHARTS & visuals that prove that longtails are worthwhile - they convert better - as the first visual illustrates.

It makes sense if you think about it a while.  When shoppers are looking for something online, & they type descriptors in.. it means they are closer to making a decision.

Longtail Keywords: Go with What Works Best

Since terms with more descriptors in them are fruitful, as a beginner to wordpress you should train yourself now to dig for the gold !  That's my opinion.  Go to my life skills training blog for some sound keyword training.

More on Related Keywords: Getting Started with Wordpress cont'd   {MY BLOG
and  Mastering Keyword Research - Mentoring Lessons (This is on Video SEO mostly)

That's it for today - hope you had a good Mother's Day !

To Your Success,
Jan  Ashby

Extra Resource:  Video - Getting Started with Wordpress

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