Sunday, April 14, 2013

Intriguing Lessons from an SEO Master Crafting Your Youtube Channel Properly

What Lessons can One Learn from a Mentor?

The answer is many meaningful insights can be accrued from a "master", or mentor.  So if you are toward the beginning of your online career, you'd do well to really HEAR this:

Align yourself with a good mentor 

In today's post, I enlighten you as to the importance of learning about "on-page SEO" within Youtube -  if you will learn to fashion your Youtube descriptions and titles correctly (as well as LEARN to develop your Youtube channel and playlists ), you'll attract the spiders to your channel, and to your videos.


The main post regarding the above (VIDEO Seo) is at  Life Skills Training and Curriculum .

It speaks of how often to use your Primary keyword phrase within a Youtube video.  It also covers advanced keyword research (related keyword research) techniques.

Using Youtube Video: Beginners Lessons

If you don't know from Playlists, you can glean some useful info from my Life Skills blog post entitled, "Mentoring Lessons".

You can find out some stuff about thumbnails, playlists, video blogging - even the SIZE your video ought to be when you're copying the embed code from Youtube (to place in your blog, into "html" section).

Here's an excerpt (for example) - "Why do I want you to receive mentoring lessons in Keyword Research?  I firmly believe it will help beginners to WordPress to get a good education.  I was quite confused about video seo, and.." -  from Life Skills Training blog

To Your Success -  Jan Ashby       

                               Wordpress for Beginners


Advanced Keyword Research - Related Keyword Research

Blogging to Make Income: 5 Tips  (1 of my Most Popular posts)

Wordpress for BeginnersSeo Hints and Tips on using Youtube, and some of its finer points (Playlists, Thumbnails, & video seo/video blogging) -

Wordpress for Beginners: Wordpress Blog Design - Trust Seals and More
  Video Blogging 101

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