Showing posts with label Internet Marketing Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Marketing Training. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Free Internet Marketing Training with Jan Ashby

Hi, I'm Jan Ashby  

I'm marketing online, and enjoying doing so.  I teach beginners wordpress - if you are a newcomer to Wordpress and would like some free internet marketing training .. visit Here

If you're wondering what sort of training you'll uncover at the link above, well it takes you inside the wordpress dashboard. The video at the TOP of the page is explaining about the Initial Steps one would take, right after installing wordpress (in one's cpanel).

John Jarvis is the trainer, and he patiently explains about the various plugins, and using Askimet for preventing spam. He prepares a blog post in front of you, showing you fonts and headers. It's a demonstration video, basically.

It's good for beginners.  In conjunction with this tutorial, you ought to view the Blog Template I hyperlinked in this sentence.  It shows you how to execute "h1" tags, "h2" tags, coding for italics or BOLD, and how to Center something on a page.

Something else that is useful for Newbies to know is Image "alt-text" SEO.  I did a whole video post on this, and so you can visit Alt-tag seo post .  The vid is 4 minutes long, and is easy for newcomers to digest.

For more advanced internet marketing lessons, start with Internet Marketing Training - it's at my blog, Life Skills.
