It's important to resonate with your audience. If you represent your business (or are a Personal Coach), you will want to do this effectively. What do I mean by this? Specifically, you should do things that help you STAND out. Activities such as podcasting (and video) can HELP you connect better with your audience than text on a page. When people can hear your tone of voice, and your inflections, they can perceive much more. They can tell if you're typically cheerful, if you're witty, sarcastic, empathetic etc. Whereas with writing on the page, one cannot. If you are wanting to establish a strong brand, then be sure and be consistent with your images (for instance, the image on LinkedIn should be identical to the image on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc. Otherwise your audience can get confused - or worse yet, they may FORGET who you are - and just what you represent. In summary, when it comes to pinpointing Ways To Brand Yourself, it's essential to be yourself & BE co
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