Saturday, September 22, 2012

Breaking News Dispatch: What's the Lowdown on Books That Will Change Your Life?

Hello everyone, today I have some news on books that WILL change your life.  So if you're an avid book reader, or just one who believes in improving yourself (self development), then this brief list is for you

Books which have the ability to change your life conditions, if smartly applied, are like magic to me. I have always valued books - since I was in high school !

I enjoyed science fiction, like Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World".  Now I'd like to show you there is a brave new world, with books.

One I read recently (and did the homework exercises within) is Martha Beck's "Finding Your Own North Star".  It helps a person understand themselves better (and dissects why they do the things they do), once they've completed a group of quizzes and exercises within.

If you are willing to do the work, this book is definitely in the category of "books that WILL change your life" for the better

In fact, if you are unafraid to uncover things about yourself, you'll do well with the course Martha has laid out for you.  Her intent?  To assist people in going on a "journey of self-discovery" - one which will specifically reveal the reason WHY you did some self-destructive things in the past - i.e., things which were tantamount to self-sabotage and kept you from achieving success, or happiness in your life.   So I think I've just answered "Who is this for".

It's for the people who have fallen victim to self-destructive tendencies, which may have been a result of an abusive childhood or something similar.  It's for those who want to move forward in life, and who refuse to let anything stand in the way of their personal success!

Books That Will Change Your Life: How Does This Book Compare to Others?

There are other books that will serve to change your life, via religion or taking a course to learn something.. But there are FEW which do such a wonderful job of self-enlightenment, and providing a sound means to change! Many reviewers gave positive feedback about how insightful the book is, and also that Martha Beck is a really great writer.

Books That Will Change Your Life: Expensive?

I wanted to remember to tell you that this is available (at Amazon) for only 1 cent. You have to pay shipping, but it's an incredible bargain.  Ms. Beck is a life coach, and she also was a research associate at Harvard Business School, studying career paths and life course changes. And before that, she taught sociology, social psychology and business.

This book is rated highly at  It's 4.5 out of 5 stars, of this writing.  This is based upon 147 reviews.

In the end, you must decide for yourself if this is adequate and fits the category, Books that Will Change your Life .  I hope it provides you with a great journey!