Monday, March 4, 2013

What are BLogs Used for? Have a Rhyme and Reason to What You Do

What are BLogs Used for - Wordpress for Beginners

 Blogs are used for a lot of things:                 

  1. To attract targeted visitors
  2. To communicate your message
  3. To brand yourself
  4. To gain a loyal following
  5. To acquire optins to your List
  6. For providing valuable resources
  7. To curate content (more "giving value")
  8. To attract advertisers
  9. For affiliate income
  10. To offer your services
  11. To offer training to students

Beginners to Wordpress: Wordpress is my Forte

I like to help beginners to Wordpress.  I am Jan Ashby, and have taught in the past ( English and Drivers Education).  If you have an interest in learning how to market on the Internet, you may want to look into some of my free internet marketing training.  Most of it is free, while some of the content is "locked" - this simply means that you'd "opt in" to see the locked content.

It is high value stuff, as I have learned from one of the best - a canadian SEO expert named John Jarvis (he's also a wordpress expert). To see more on him, go here

What's special about my blog, you may be wondering.. Well, it's a combination of my content and curated content - and so you sort of get the best of both worlds.

Resources:  Ways to Brand Yourself - a Video

Youtube Video Instruction: What are BLogs Used for?

Hubspot's Inbound Marketing Blog  (A Great Resource)

Life Skills Curriculum and Life Skills Curriculum and Training

(Covers Basic Keyword Research, Advanced Keyword Research, Social Skills Activities, Social Skills Games, Social Media Tips, Leadership, Life Skills for Adults (Meditation, Visualization, feng shui) , Blogging to Make Money  e.g.

Using Twitter 101: Detailed Video Instruction

Today I have a new post about using Twitter in a more advanced way - creating Twitter lists, attending "Twitter Chats", and how to message people. Yes, there is a RIGHT way to do this (you have to be careful when messaging and the video instruction in my Life Skills post details this).

As you may know, you can browse different topics by inputting a keyword phrase.  If you will use the hashtag (#), then you can find all conversations that are targeting that particular keyword phrase. So you simply type the keyword (s) and place a "#" (pound sign) in front of it.

What does the hashtag do? Well, it ties the conversations of different users into one stream for you. You may start your SEARCH at

To see a really GOOD Video instructional about Twitter - you can view this vid:

**Note:  At the Life Skills training page, where you'll go to FIND the video instruction, the last video on the page says "How to Use Twitter for Businesss Part 1".  Just wanted to let you know that if you want, you can find the other parts of that series on Youtube .